But this year, the fatal "yes" will be heard from two couples, Ana Garevska and Ivan Sarievski, and Margarita Ivanovska and Stefan Kukovski. The couples will present to the visitors some thirty different wedding customs, rituals, songs and dances, specific for the Mijak area where the Galicnik village is located.
The event continues the tradition of holding the Galicnik wedding always on the day of St. Peter, a period of the year when the men who have left the village to make a leaving abroad, returned to their homes.
According to the announcements, tonight at 7:30 pm, the guests dressed in traditional clothes, and the relatives of the groom, will decorate the wedding flag, thus officially commencing the marital festivities.
Tomorrow, the wedding ceremonies start with a visit to the graveyards and inviting the dead members of the family to the wedding, then the procession invites the best man, after which the shaving the groom follows, taking the bride from her house and then finally the religious ceremony takes place at the St. Peter and Paul Church.
On the road leading to Galicnik, a special traffic regime will be imposed to enable smoother movement of the vehicles. The visitors of the Galicnik wedding will be also able to take a van and arrive at the scenic village.
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