Volle Hütte in Ohrid zum Orthodoxen Osterfest

Hotels und Private Appartements in Ohrid und Struga sind für das kommende Wochenende komplett ausgebucht. Am Freitag beginnt das Orthodoxe Osterfest, auch fällt der beliebte Feiertag 1. Mai direkt am Montag nach dem Wochenende so das ein verlängertes Wochenende in Makedonien ansteht ansteht.
Neben den im Großteil einheimische Touristen werden auch Touristen aus Griechenland, Serbien, Bulgarien und Montenegro erwartet.

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Ohrid Accommodation Capacities Fully Exhausted during Easter Weekend
Hotels and private rental apartments in Ohrid, Struga and surrounding resorts are fully booked for the Easter holidays.

Krste Blazeski, from the HOTAM tourism association, informs that reservations rate stands at at over 90 percent.
Most of the bookings are made by domestic tourists, but also by tourists from Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and some from Montenegro. Visitors from other countries in the region are also expected in Macedonia's top tourism destination. This year, Easter falls on May 1, which is often used for extended weekends in its own right, and the extended weekend always has a good impact for tourism.

The migrant crisis was believed to have posed an obstacle in terms of tourism revenues, but it seems they were surpassed, Blazeski noted.

"Foreign tourism operators tell us that their customers generally avoid going to countries through which the refugee route used to cross. We have a reduction in Dutch tourists, but we are working to make up with tours from Germany and Belgium", he said.

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